ATTENZIONE: IL CONTENUTO DI QUESTO BLOG È RISERVATO ESCLUSIVAMENTE AD UN PUBBLICO MAGGIORE DI 18 O 21 ANNI, SECONDO LE LEGISLAZIONI VIGENTI NEL PROPRIO PAESE. CHIUNQUE PROSEGUA NELLA LETTURA LO FA CONSAPEVOLMENTE Il blog LA DOMESTICA RISPONDE è da considerarsi completamente opera di fantasia. I personaggi e le situazioni descritte sono fittizi, e l'eventuale somiglianza con persone o fatti esistenti è da ritenersi totalmente accidentale. RIPRODUZIONE VIETATA - TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI © JANINE SOUILLON, LUGANO, CH

24 febbraio 2010


Hi, Monika.
My name is Josephine, im 43 and I am a spanish reader of your blog "la domestica risponde", i love it. I dont understand italian, but the most of the words are similar to the spanish ones, and if not, i use a traductor. Well, i´ll tell you my story.
Five years ago, one of my friends died in a car accident. Marta, her daughter, whose father died when she was 12, was alone and she needed money to study a grade, so i gave her the money with the following condition: After finishing the grade, she will be my maid for 5 years. She accept and she began de grade. Now, she is 24 and its time to receive my compensation. Shes a nice young girl, and i admit it, i am a little bit cruel, and i think i can have fun with her. I want her to learn how hard can be the life. So she is going to start to be my maid of all works.
I have a really big house, and she will be my only maid. I putted a old and small bed in the scullery for her.
If i write you, its becouse i know you are experienced, and i want you to tell me everithing about uniforms, "orario della domestica", dutties, punishments (as hard as posible)....
Dont worry about the money, i have enough for buying any kind of uniform, apron or whatever.
Thanks for all, and be as strict as possible with everithing. Thank you again.

Sincerely Yours

P.D.: I would like to see it as a post in your blog, it would make me happy. Thanks

Dear Josephine,
your new maid faces 5 years of total domestic slavery, so we'll fix everything that your domestic slave will deserve. Look for the next posts, they will be named "5 years of domestic slavery" and will contain every information you need. Soon I'll translate your nice letter for italian mistresses. If you have any question, please feel free to write to me and at any time.
Monika, maid

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